Interracial porn sites are extremely popular and even though a recipe like that more often than not means that there are a dime a dozen sites of the specific genre which means they are of inferior quality I don’t really get that impression with this genre. This site – Black Ambush – is no exception. It is really good.
Even though the topic is very sensitive in general it doesn’t alter reality and therefore doesn’t deter me from speaking about it. After all, stats don’t lie and stats don’t have bias, it’s pure numbers.
What I’m getting at is that it is even all the more impressive the amount of viewers and members interracial sites attract since it appeals predominantly to white women and black men and the rest of the demographic is fringe. Whereas most other sites attract a following from the entire pool.
I just thought that was an interesting statistic and nothing more than that.
If you are a fan then you’ll be glad to know that you can use this Black Ambush discount to save 17% off the regular price and there are some bonus sites thrown in as well.